Other than that, they should also be just a little bit bigger and the main potato piece shouldn't be different shades of brown (notice that Mr. Potato Head's shoes should be a deeper, more vibrant blue Potato Head have an extra hole on their sides Potato Head's feet are one piece, not separate Potato Head don't have any eyebrow pieces Potato Head's eyes are one piece, not separate Here's a list of some of the most obvious problems that keep these from being 100% film accurate: They're on the right path though! It's just strange to me that after almost 25 years, they still haven't made a perfect replica of either of these characters (even the Signature Collection release by Thinkway Toys has its issues). However, somehow there are still plenty of missing details and inaccuracies. There have been many versions of these over the years and I'll start by saying these are absolutely some of the (if not THE) best and most movie accurate ones yet (a million times better than what was released for Toy Story 3).

Ok, now for Hasbro's/Playskool's latest version of Mr.