Luckily, there's a guided mode available that helps you quite a lot. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to experience this stage for long because Ancestors is an incredibly difficult game, especially when you're first starting out. While early encounters with wild animals can be quite deadly and frustrating, it seems like the later ones place you in control.

You'll start off in the jungle, but eventually find yourself exploring the African Savanna. The game takes you from 10 million to 2 million years ago. This allows you to access new locations easily and gain new abilities to unlock. If you're able to complete certain feats, like intimidating a wild animal or finding a new home for your group, then you can skip ahead hundreds of thousands of years.

The same applies to movement and other traits. For example, just by using your senses and identifying items around you, you have the option to unlock new, but similar abilities. This is the simplest way because all you have to do is repeat a few actions and you gain new skills. You can unlock various skills by growing neurons. Ancestors uses two distinct means to level up.